Fire detection
The challange: Reliable systems for surveillance and recognition of spontaneous fires inside bunkers or free air dumps of waste or combustible materials like paper, waste or charcoal are neccessary to detect and reduce undesirable fires. Since dumped materials are mostly inflammable the probability of spontaneous combustions is high with disastrous effects for man and environment.
The solution is: Fire surveillance system PYROVIEW FDS
More information about our fire detection system PYROVIEW FDS.
Our infrared camera system PYROVIEW FDS 380L is approved by VdS as infrared camera system for temperature monitoring in fire protection (VdS guideline 3189).
Many insurance policies recommend the usage of a fire early warning system where easily flammable material is stored. Environments that are prone to fires can also be monitored and protected by our fire surveillance system. These are for example:
- Waste bunkers
- Paper factories
- Recycling storage
- Forests
- Wood buildings

With the system solution FDS DIAS has developed a scalable fire detection system for different application scenarios. A permanent monitoring system equipped with highly sensitive thermal imagers PYROVIEW is a fundamental part of the concept. Through continuous automatic temperature measurement smolder spots or smoldering fires can now be identified and eliminated. Together with the software PYROSOFT FDS the monitors of the fire detection system shows thermography images of infrared cameras in a black and white scale: Dark areas featuring cold areas, bright areas on the other hand high temperatures. In case of alarm the areas in which the previously defined temperature is exceeded discolor red. Thus, a possible source of the fire can be identified immediately. Control areas can be automatically and continuously montitored and alarm vents of the fire department are immediately reported.
- Hazardous waste deposit Kölliken (Kölliken, Switzerland)
- National park Pirin (Province Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria)
- Umweltdienst Burgenland (Oberpullendorf, Austria)
- Uddevalla Energi AB (Uddevalla, Sweden)